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iQSMS / July 17, 2024
Verifying Details: This is to confirm factual accuracy of reported events, dates, times, and personnel involved and all other important details. All fields of the report form can be reviewed and if necessary, questions can be sent to the reporter to get a full picture.
To allow for proper routing and analysis, administrators can check whether the report is categorized correctly using the iQSMS event classification system. To improve accuracy and to further streamline this process, the iQSMS Ai Co-Validator can be configured to automate the forwarding of reports to the responsible departments.
Data Enrichment: Administrators can also add details that might be necessary for a complete understanding of the situation. iQSMS tracks whether information is provided by the Reporter or by an administrator and can provide a full history of each report.
Initial Risk Assessment: During the approval of the report, an initial risk assessment is performed. iQSMS supports different methods for this. Whether you want to use a simple risk matrix assessment or link the report with an existing assessment in Risk+, the choice is up to you. In addition, not safety relevant reports can be processed without assigning a risk rating.
At this step, the iQSMS Ai Co-Analyst comes in to provide even deeper insights into the reported event.
Once all information is verified and it has been determined that corrective actions shall be implemented, a due date and responsible users or departments can be assigned and a required corrective action can be requested. These responsible users or departments will then have to implement the required actions accordingly in the next step.
Once the report is addressed as planned and final corrective actions have been implemented successfully, the report can be closed.
Final Review: Before the report can be closed, all documented corrective actions are reviewed by the administrators. Only if the event or hazard has been correctly addressed and all necessary corrective actions have been taken, the report is closed and a final “Summary of Corrective Actions” is entered.
Feedback: We strongly believe that providing clear feedback to the reporter regarding the outcome of the investigation and implemented corrective actions is essential for a healthy Reporting Culture. In iQSMS, the “Summary of Corrective Actions” is entered at report closure and automatically forwarded to the Reporter in order to create full transparency. If the report has been forwarded to a Civil Aviation Authority, iQSMS makes sure that a closure update is also sent to the respective authority. Additionally, a residual risk assessment can be performed to document the improvement in risk levels after successful implementation of corrective or preventive actions.
To provide you with information that goes beyond the scope of individual reports, iQSMS enables even deeper insights into your reporting data. With integrated statistics, data export capabilities and APIs, we ensure that you can make full use of the reports you collect.
Equip your team with the tools they need to prioritize safety. The iQSMS Reporting Module is just one of our core modules available within the iQSMS suite. Get in touch with us today and find out how iQSMS can best support your organization!
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