Watch the introduction video for the new iQSMS AI Solution.
Ai Co-Validator
Effortlessly approve reports matching Event Classifications with the highest confidence level, identified by the iQSMS Ai Co-Validator. Revolutionize your workflow, increase efficiency and enhance safety.
How it works
The Ai Co-Validator analyzes incoming report texts and suggests the best matching event classification based on customer-specific criteria. It then compares the user-selected event classification with the one recommended by the Artificial Intelligence.
If the AI’s confidence in its classification exceeds the minimum threshold set by the user, the report is automatically approved. The approved reports are assigned to designated users or user groups as defined by the administrator.
Your Benefits
Günther Schindl
I am super excited about the cooperation with our partner Lufthansa Industry Solutions and the release of the Ai Co-Validator. This feature is a game changer for large organizations, processing 500 or more reports in iQSMS, every month. The Ai Co-Validator reduces routine tasks in order to focus on safety critical ones which increase the overall safety levels of our customers.
This is just the beginning...
Amir Farajollahzadeh
The partnership between ASQS and LHIND marks an important milestone in providing advanced solutions to the aviation industry. By utilizing the latest technologies and AI capabilities, the safety and efficiency of flight operations will be further enhanced. Users of iQSMS can benefit from the collaboration by saving time and resources while ensuring higher data quality and compliance.