Safety in Unmanned Aircraft System Management
Knowledge / June 25, 2020
As applications and the interest in commercial and recreational flights increase, also operational risks are rising and drones are leaving the fewer regulated low-level airspace by entering a sphere, where they must coexist with manned aircraft.
Considering the broad range of operations and types of drones, in a first step three categories of operations and their associated regulatory system have been established: Open, Specific and Certified drone operations.

Three categories of drone operations
When operations start posing more significant risks to persons or involves sharing the airspace, the operation is considered “specific”. For these activities, each aviation risk would be analysed and a suitable mitigation would be agreed on by the authorities before the operation can start, based on a safety risk assessment. The safety risk assessment must address airworthiness, operating procedures and environment, competence of involved personnel and organizations, and may be defined and demonstrated through compliance to acceptable industry standards.
The third pillar of the proposed regulatory framework is the category of certified operations which is applicable when the aviation risks rise to a level akin to normal manned aviation.
Regulatory Framework
iQSMS - Enabling safety and compliance in UAS operations
- Safety reporting & internal investigations
- Operational control
- Communication on safety
- Training and safety promotion
- Compliance monitoring
- Safety risk management
- Management of change
- Interface between organizations
- Use of sub-contractors and partners
Our web-based solution iQSMS covers all key processes required for LUC holders and makes sure drone operators comply with regulatory requirements and national and international safety standards. Safety and security hazards and associated risks can be identified, evaluated, and managed in a proactive and systematic way, which simplifies the development of mitigation measures and allows UAS operators to easily monitor the effectiveness of corrective actions.
Since all relevant data is stored and processed on one 24/7 accessible platform, operators benefit from a high transparency regarding internal safety and quality processes, which ensure a good communication with the respective authority and enables drone operators to stay compliant with applicable regulations.
- EASA Civil Drones Web: https://bit.ly/3fURMV7
- EASA Drone Brochure (pdf): https://bit.ly/31ekOev
- EASA PART-UAS Draft (pdf): https://bit.ly/2CG8bP9